Safety Quiz

Employee Name
For the following questions, circle the best answer - True or False.

1. Employees do not have to report unsafe acts and conditions since supervisors have that responsibility.

2. A Safe Work Execution Plan is a hazard assessment tool that is used to identify the hazardous worklng conditions in the work are after a job has begun.

3. You will find detailed hazard information on a MSDS.

4. PPE shall be inspected before each use.

5. If you are required to wear a respirator for your job, you do not need any training in its proper use.

6. The New Employee Orientation Handbook is not intended to cover every aspect of your employment and is not a substitute for the company's more complete Health and Safety Manual.

7. The components of your fall arrest equipment do not need to be inspected before each use.

8. The company requires fall protection 100% of the time whenever there is a risk of falling 10 feet(3m) or more to a lower level.

9. Wearing protective and safety equipment, such as fall arrest gear, it not optional. It is a condition of employment.

10. Heat related illnesses can be prevented. One way is to drink plenty of water.

11. Power tools may be lifted by the electric cord or·pneumatic hose.

12. A confined space is an area that has limited openings for entry or exit, is large enough for you to fit inside and is not designed for continuous occupancy.

13. If a job is clearly unsafe, or is likely to result in unplanned release bf hazardou's waste to the environment, you have a responsibility as Dependable Mechanical Systems employee to stop the work.

14. Only qualified Dependable Mechanical Systems·employees are allowed to operate a company vehicle.

15. The use of cell phones is forbidden in the yard or on projects during working hours unless otherwise directed.

16. If you are injured in the course of your work with Dependable Mechanical Systems, you must report it and remain in contact with your Supervisor regarding your work and medical status.

17. Lockout/Tag-out is the de-energized and securing of all energy sources on equipment to protect you from unexpected operation.

18. Employees are allowed to work on "energized parts" as long as they have their Supervisor's permission.

19. A site-specific emergency plan must be developed for each new construction project.

20. Any injury no matter how minor must be reported to my immediate supervisor.

Frank ZhangSafety Quiz